Monday, November 26, 2012

Aaaaand We're Off!

The day is finally here! The five of us are all completely thrilled to be launching this blog together, and excited to meet all of you lovely readers. 

The Secret Life of Writers came together when the five of us realized what a big, daunting place publishing can be - even once you've "got your foot in the door" - and that it might be a little easier for us if we tackled it together.

Better still, we're hoping to make it a little easier for you by sharing all of our behind-the-scenes experiences, as much as possible, and shedding a little light on the road from fledgling writer to published author. We'll be focusing a lot on not just writing, but what happens after the slushpile, as we feel like that's an area that's still shrouded in too much mystery. There are a lot of blogs out there to help you shine up your query, with researching agents, and to prepare you for The Call... but then what? The anxiety of edit letters, of cover reveals, of first book events, of being the newbie whose book suddenly has to stand out among all the experienced brilliance that's already out there - all that and more is what we're all about. We're all agented, and/or we have books on their way to the shelves, but we're still all figuring this out as we go along, too.

Sounds like fun, right? Right. So be sure to follow us!

Over the next couple weeks, we'll be spilling our secrets about our own personal writing journeys, just so you have an idea of where we're all coming from. Stefanie Gaither is up first, and she'll be posting her story later on today, so be sure to check back! Rumor has it that there's going to be an awesome giveaway involved too!

See you soon.

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