Subjectivity sucks. It just does. It’s a
fickle mistress. One that every writer must be, er… subjected to if they want
to put their shiny darlings out on display for the world to read. Wouldn’t it
be great if we could write a book with characters we love, an engaging plot,
and words that speak directly to the core of every single reader’s soul? It’d
be like the writer version of the One Ring. One book to rule them all, and I
would keep it in my pocketses and call it my Precioussss.
Unfortunately, pleasing ALL THE READERS
is a thing that doesn’t exist. People are unique. Readers have different
interests and experiences that they bring to the pages. It affects their
interpretation of what they read. No writer can control that. It’s out of our
However, sitting here and telling you that is a very different thing
than believing it for myself. I can type the words until my fingers fall off,
but that doesn’t mean it won’t sting when that rejection shows up in my inbox.
We writers pour everything into our manuscripts. We put off time with our loved
ones, let the dishes pile up, and the DVR fill to the brim with unwatched
shows, all in the name of making our book the very best it can be. Obviously
EVERYONE should enjoy it, right? Because if someone doesn’t, it’s like they’re
saying, “Your best isn’t good enough for me.”
Except that’s NOT what they’re saying.
It may very well feel like it, but it isn’t. Not even close.
I’ve seen both sides of Internet writing
contests. I’ve been a contestant as well as a slush reader. As a contestant,
when you don’t get chosen, it’s hard to deal with. It’s even worse when you
read the tweets or comments and see that ugly word SUBJECTIVITY pop up over and
over. It’s difficult to believe that the slush readers, or mentors, or agents,
or editors you’re submitting to might like your words just fine, but they
aren’t grabbed by them.
As a slush reader, you’re wading through
these wonderful words and there are SO MANY GREAT ENTRIES it truly is torture
to try to choose only one. To make matters worse, there may be an entry that
grabs you by the collar and won’t let you go. It haunts your dreams and you’re
still thinking about it when you get out of bed to brush your teeth. But, maybe
it’s a genre that isn’t selling. Or maybe the agents didn’t have it on their
wish lists. Should you go with your gut and choose that entry even though
there’s a chance no one else will love that brain eating zombie princess the
way you do? Or should you choose the other incredible gnome erotica because
erotica is super hot* right now? It’s a really tough decision. And when it
comes down to it, agents and editors have families to feed, just like writers
do. Sometimes taking that chance might be slightly too risky for them.
subjectivity is an ugly monster that you can’t conquer, no matter how hard you
try. Having trouble with grammar? Go grab Strunk & White or get some quick and dirty tips from Grammar Girl.
Can't seem to pin down showing vs telling? Get a handy dandy Critique Partner to call you out on it. Your ms is 10k too long for your genre? Grab a chainsaw
and hack those words to bits.
These are all things you have control over. Subjectivity? Not so much. It’s that elusive ethereal thing that no one can quite put their finger on.
Simon Cowell probably
can't define what it is that gives some singers the X-Factor--that special
spark that takes them from being another member of a church choir, to overnight
superstar. He simply knows it when he sees it, and even HE doesn't nail it
every single time.
Agents and editors know
how to spot that X-Factor in the slush pile. Simon Cowell is just one person.
The best part about the literary world is that there are TONS of agents, LOADS
of editors, and ALL the readers.
So, yeah, subjectivity may be fickle, but the
pool of potential readership is deep and wide. As long as you write a book YOU
want to read, and more importantly, DON'T GIVE UP, you can find someone else
out there who loves what you've created as much as you do.
*I read this five times
before I caught my own pun. I is clearly kan write good. #TWSS
Want more from Sarah Blair? (I don't blame you) You can find her here!
Twitter: @SarahLBlair
Love this post! Subjectivity really does suck sometimes. You can't please everyone. It affects you at every level of publishing: getting an agent, getting an editor, and pleasing the readers.